1st Grade Homeroom

First grade is a fun time of learning! This is the first time that students have their own desk, and learn to work more independently. Students get their own text books and Bible. The big focus for the year is learning to read. Each day, students will be getting together and reading in small groups. You will be reading through the Abeka series, and working your way toward the Magic Tree House series or chapter books!

In math, students will be learning about money, clocks, temperature, the calendar, counting to 1,000, and even learning how to use a ruler. A special project that we do each year is a country report. Students will get to pick from the countries we have learned about in our history book. Then, they will research your country, present their report, and even bring in food for their country. After everyone presents, we all get to try the different foods that each student has brought in to share.

We also have special places that we visit. We go on field trips to Casa de Fruta Pumpkin Junction, The Exploratorium in San Francisco, Seymour Marine Discovery Center in Santa Cruz, we see a play at the Flint Center, and celebrate the end of the year with a party. These field trips are a great time to learn outside of the classroom, and bond together as a class.

Class Information
TextbooksSupply ListParent Information

Christian based, quality academic curriculum materials are provided through a variety of resources.  We utilize materials from Abeka , Purposeful Design and Modern Learning Press.  Each class has time in our technology lab with computers.  We have a school wide Spanish enrichment course.  We also have Music enrichment classes for each grade level.