School Office: Tuesday – Thursday 10:00-2:00 pm.
- Closed during the month of July.
Preschool Office: Tuesday – Thursday 10:00-2:00 pm.
Finance Office: Tuesdays 9:00-2:30 pm.
- Or by appointment
NEW Student Registration Begins 2/11
Registration for the 2025-26 school year for new families begins on Feb. 11th. The registration link will be available under the “Admissions” tab.
Winter Break February 17-21
CCS will be closed during the winter break from February 17-21 in observance of Presidents’ Day & our Winter Break. Enjoy the time off!
Soaring Readers – 1/13-3/7
The second semester Soaring Readers program began on Jan. 13th, and will end March 7th; Reading Logs due on Mar. 10th. Students who reach their Individual Reading Goal will be honored in a special chapel.
Mother-Son Glowing Game Night 2/28/25
It’s a Neon Glowing Game Night for CCS K-5th grade boys and their moms on Feb. 28th @ 6-7:30pm. Purchase tickets in school office by 2/26 – $20 per family. Wear comfy, athletic clothes in bright neon colors or white.
Open House & Science Fair – 3/13/25
OPEN HOUSE is Thursday, March 13th starting at 6:00pm
Visit your child’s classroom as well as the class they will be in next year to get an idea of what’s to come. Be sure to stop by to see our 5th grade Science Fair and the 4th grade CA History Projects!
Spring Pictures – 3/18 & 19
Tuesday, March 18th is reserved for Preschool only; Wednesday, March 19th for all of Elementary and Preschool. Dress in your spring best!
No School/No E-Care
School will be closed on Monday, March 24th for Teacher-In-Service
Games on the Green – 3/28/25
Games on the Green will start at 5:30pm. Watch your email for the SignUp Genius link to help with the game your child’s class will host. *Event is subject to change based on weather.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Eagle Wear
Click on the Eagle Wear tab for school uniform, class shirt needs and logo wear. There are some fun items to help you represent Crossroads with style and fun.